As some of you may have noticed the FOI Directory website, and Twitter feed has been extremely quiet for some weeks now.
The website is not being closed or ceasing to exist in any way or form.
The reasons for the site being static for about five weeks now are due to personal ones. Also known as a new job, moving house and not having a working internet connection available.
However the silence will be broken again in coming weeks, hopefully a week on Monday, and everything will be back to normal.
There will continue to be almost daily updates of Freedom of Information stories in the media, weekly round-ups of FOI news, policy updates, and the FOI Directory will be expanding further.
It’s a post for another day but I may be looking for some volunteers, possibly students who are keen to learn more about Freedom of Information, to help keep the website updated (more on that in the future though).
Thanks to all those that have used the site so far. The feedback I have had from multiple people has been mostly positive and it sounds like the directory of email addresses has proved useful to a variety of different groups .
As always if there are any suggestions you would like to make, or any email addresses that are bouncing back then feel free to get in touch.
I can be contacted in the following ways.
Twitter: @foidirectory
Or if you need an urgent response my personal twitter account: @mattburgess1