FOI Directory

FOI emails for NHS Special Health Authorities

This page lists all the Freedom of Information contact details for NHS Special Health Authorities.

It’s best to let the NHS describe what Special Health Authorities do.

“Special health authorities are health authorities that provide a health service to the whole of England, not just to a local community. The National Blood Authority is an example of a special health authority.

“They have been set up to provide a national service to the NHS or the public under section 9 of the NHS Act 1977. They are independent, but can be subject to ministerial direction in the same way as other NHS bodies.”

It is important to point out many NHS departments have had their FOI responses outsourced to central administrations. This means one email address may be used for many authorities, e.g. in London. Therefore it is important to include in a Freedom of Information request which NHS authority you are asking for information from. 

 A viewable and downloadable spreadsheet of the information below can be found here. 

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