The Department of the Treasury has four functions these are economic, financial, tax and fiscal policies. 

It’s agencies include the US Mint, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Engraving and Printing and more.

It’s mission statement is: “Maintain a strong economy and create economic and job opportunities by promoting the conditions that enable economic growth and stability at home and abroad, strengthen national security by combating threats and protecting the integrity of the financial system, and manage the U.S. Government’s finances and resources effectively.”

The spreadsheet with contact details can be accessed and downloaded here.

I am a journalist and author. I am a journalist at the UK edition of WIRED magazine. In 2015, my first book Freedom of Information: A Practical Guide for UK Journalists, was published. My second book Reed Hastings: Building Netflix, was published in March 2020. I created FOI Directory in 2012 and have maintained it in my spare time ever since.