FOI Directory

In Edinburgh 10 child criminals are responsible for 800 crimes, FOI reveals

It appears children in Edinburgh are running amok, well a tiny minority of them at least.

A Freedom of Information request has revealed that 10 children, yes, 10, are responsible for more than 800 different crimes across the city.

The Scotsman reports:

A HARDCORE group of ten child criminals – aged as young as 11 – may be “beyond help”, police today admitted, as it was revealed they are behind a staggering 800 offences across the Capital.

The tearaways make up a list of the worst young offenders in Edinburgh, with three notching up 100 or more charges, including housebreaking, joyriding and robbery.

One 15-year-old boy from the east of the city has committed 117 offences in the last two years to become the most 
prolific under-16 criminal, while an 11-year-old boy from north Edinburgh is also among the ten worst, with a criminal record which includes sexual assault, assault and robbery, and car theft.

You can read the full story here. 

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