FOI Directory

Updates and changes to FOI Directory

Everything has to take a break from time to time, but now I can happily say that FOI Directory is back in operation.

Over the last month, while the FOI Act has been turning 10 years old, this website has undergone its biggest change since it was started in late 2012.

Changes have been made to both the way that the website looks and there has been quite a substantial amount of new information added. Here’s what has changed:

In addition to these changes that have already been made I am also continuing to add more lists of public authorities. There will be more added within the coming weeks.

In the last two years this website has received far more support than I was ever expecting and I hope that it can continue to be useful to those wanting to make FOI requests.

If anyone ever wants to get in touch with suggestions or possible improvements for the website feel free to email me:


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